Self-Care Coaching for
Dope Ass Black Women.
We all know that Black women don’t get the raise or the corner office by taking a break..HELL NAW!
We get acknowledged and rewarded when we conform to make others feel more comfortable.
We get promoted when we work our asses off like machines all the time.
Black women are constantly fed the same LIE that if they work hard enough, they’ll be rewarded.
But the TRUTH is that your lifelong “hustle harder” mentality is exactly why you’re…
Constantly feeling tested by everybody at work and at home.
Scared you’ll lose it all because you’re on the verge of losing your DAMN MIND!!
Almost ready to say f*ck this and walk away from all the success you’ve worked so hard to achieve.
The good news is there IS a better way! I know exactly how you feel because I’ve been there before.
I’m Joy White and only a few years ago I was hanging off a cliff with one hand and despite being a Dope AF attorney and serving as the VP of Legal Affairs, General Counsel, and College Secretary of one of the most prestigious HBCUs in the nation – and my world was falling apart!!
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
Sure, I was a top performer with money in the bank (you are too).
Sure, I had a stellar track record that no one could touch because I earned it (you have it too).
Of course, from the outside, I was living the life I thought I wanted (you are too)
But, that was ALL a facade, hiding what I was really going through inside my mind, body, and spirit.
I was a high-achieving Black woman on the verge of burnout, stressed out, and trying my damn best not to go the f*ck off – inside and outside of the office. Sure, I smiled through every happy hour. I played the “office politics” game with flawless precision. I code-switched with the best of them. But at the end of my 16-hour days, I was mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally EXHAUSTED!
And what was worse, NO ONE KNEW IT!
I was a Master Chameleon
I had perfected the art of hiding, isolating, and repressing my big emotions.
So much so that the mere thought of telling anyone that I needed help (even just a little) was an HUGE NO NO! I would often think to myself…
“Girl, you better keep that shit to yo’self!”
After all, I was expected to be (and STAY) at the TOP of my game – no mercy, no time for excuses, no tears, and certainly no time for a DAMN NAP!
So, to solve what I thought was my problem, I hired a nanny for my sons...
I paid for housekeepers to clean every week.
I took spontaneous trips by myself to get the hell away from everything and everybody.
I even invested in a meal delivery service.
Food delivery service.
Concierge personal trainers.
But I still felt like shit!
I still felt stuck and undervalued at work…
I still felt overwhelmed and unsupported at home…
I still felt empty, alone, and isolated…
I still felt like I had to keep hustling and grinding to maintain the life I had created…
And heaven forbid that I want to go even higher. I feared that it would be the final straw before I broke.
Because everything I did to get external relief did absolutely NOTHING for the inner war that was going on inside my mind every day!

“It wasn’t until I did some deep ass inner work that I was finally able to pivot out of the Work–Achieve–Exhaustion–Work Harder–Burnout Cycle that I’d been in my entire life.”
— Joy White
So, let’s be honest and real about something, the REAL reason you’re on the verge of burnout and ready to go the fuck off has absolutely NOTHING to do with your work ethic, your profession, or your ambitious goals!
‘It’ has EVERYTHING to do with what you’re NOT doing.
TRANSLATION: Your self-care game is non-existent!
In other words, you don’t need to hustle harder, you need to take a damn nap!
Now, I know you’re probably telling yourself right now… ”Joy, ain’t nobody got time for that shit!”
But, the truth is…
If you don’t make time for yourself RIGHT NOW then … you WILL stay stressed out, eventually, crash, implode, and put your health AND your success at serious risk.
I’ve seen it happen to so many Black women and it almost happened to ME!
That’s why I’ve made it my life’s mission to show other Powerhouse Black women who are on the brink of burnout and the verge of going the f*ck off exactly how to deal with thier inner shit, so they can finally take a break without sacrificing their performance, financial security, self-respect, or goals.
and if you let me guide you through my proprietary F.L.A.W.E.D® Method of self-discovery and healing, I’ll teach you how to…
FINALLY shatter the success ceiling you’ve been trapped under so you can reach your next level of success WITHOUT hustling, grinding, being fake as shit, or dimming your shine!
Now, to be clear…I only work with Powerhouse women who are ready to make a change and who are coachable (even if this shit gets REAL).
So, if you know that you’re standing in your own way – then come on in!
If you notice a pattern that you can’t break out of that’s holding you back from reaching your goals – then come on in!
If you’re ready to step into your most authentic self so you can show up as powerfully as you know you are – then come on in!
And, no matter if you come with a backpack or a full storage unit full of drama – then come on in!
I’m an expert at unpacking the past shit that is so common with Black women So, Sis, I got you – don’t worry!
I’m here to support you in transforming your life, so you can show up as your most powerful self and live a life of freedom and authenticity.
But, what happens next (if anything) all comes down to what you do right now.
YOU have a decision to make, so take your pick …
Option #1
You can either ignore everything you read, leave my website, and sit in the anxiety and overwhelm you feel day in and day out. (This option will not end how you want it, trust me!).
Option #2
You can try to do it on your own, read a few self-help books, and trial and error your way to the ‘answer’ – if you find it at all. (It took me $30k and 10 years of mistakes to finally get it right – do you really have that time + money to waste?)
Option #3
Or you can invest in yourself to explode your strength (‘cause you’re already Dope AF!) and get the expert mindset and wellness coaching you need (and deserve) so you can powerfully show up unapologetic and authentic all the damn time.
The choice is yours. I can’t make it for you.
But I wish I could because I know the joy and peace that’s on the other side of ‘this’.
So, please make the decision wisely.
If Option #3 is what you decide, let’s jump on a discovery call to see if we’re a good fit for each other.
I promise to be 100% transparent – and NO I won’t tell you that your sh!t is too jacked up for me.
But, I will share with you that there is ...
Only ONE way to permanently silence your inner critic, stop the overwhelm, and never give a F*CK about what other people think!
And, on the off chance that we’re not a good fit for each other…
I will be upfront and refer you to another badass mindset coach or therapist who may be able to help.
Sis, you don’t have to live on the verge of burnout anymore.
You don’t have to “fake it, til you make it” another day.
You don’t have to sacrifice your performance, your promotion, or your stellar reputation by taking a damn break. I’ll show you how. Promise.
Because the reality is that self-care and emotional wellness ain’t just for white women.
Abundance, joy, and peace are your birthright!!!—just like they are for everyone else on the damn planet and it’s my job to help you get to the Dope AF life you deserve!
So, go look at your calendar right now and …
Book a Discovery Call
It’s our dedicated time to get crystal clear on the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. I will share with you how I can help you get more peace, calm, and joy in your life and get you back on your A-GAME!!
DISCLAIMER: Everything you share with me during our call is 100% confidential unless you are a risk to yourself or others. Sorry, but I’m still a lawyer, so I had to include a disclaimer – just take it as a simple FYI.